The FBA Tracker is a full featured application that interacted with Amazon Seller Central API and retrieve several data related to the Order Lists, Shipment Prices Charts, Inventory, Restock Predictions among others; since not all the data came from the API, some data was retrieved with screen scratches automated by software created by Near Coding for AAPower Equipment, Inc.
This project was developed with a Senior Full-Stack .NET Web Developer, initial as a Asynchronous page, but later as a Single-Page application using Angular JS. The application also handles several parts of the Amazon Marketplace Web Services API (Amazon MWS) and third-party components such as Open Charts. It was a very complex dashboard created absolutely custom-made for the client. This development took over 23 months and during that time the client’s sales through Amazon increased in at least 200%.
Near Coding created the entire Project Management of the app, including an initial Schedule, Work Breakdown Structure and task assignation tasks; initially it was followed by the client, later the client wanted to continue to modify the app to make it custom made. Near Coding created the entire architecture, initially as a Web Forms application and in less than 9 months in became an ASP.NET MVC 4 Single-Page application with AngularJS as the main client-side language used.
Testimonial from the client: